Home In Italia e nel mondo CHINA, a Forte di Bard

CHINA, a Forte di Bard

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The docker, Shanghai. The poster shows Mao and peasant, worker, soldier, intellectual and minority in class theme. The poster reads: “Let us follow the Party line and think of President Mao”, China, 1965. ©Marc Riboud / Fonds Marc Riboud au MNAAG / Magnum Photos


CHINA. Shandong Province. Qingdao. People enjoying the Beach. 2010.

People enjoying the Beach, Qingdao, Shandong Province, China, 2010. © Martin Parr/Magnum Photos


Province du Guangdong.
“Dans le train qui me mène fin 1956 de la frontière de Hong Kong à Canton, c’est-à-dire d’un monde dans un autre, ma première photo chinoise est cette femme vêtue de noir, paysanne d’après ses bagages alors que je la crois citadine par son élégance naturelle. Cette image s’est immédiatement superposée dans ma mémoire visuelle à d’autres abandons, toute dignité perdue, si souvent devant mes yeux en Asie. C’est là peut-être que comme d’autres visiteurs, j’ai été impressionné par la dignité que Mao semblait avoir rendu aux Chinois”. Marc Riboud

“In the train that took me from the Hong Kong border to Canton at the end of 1956, in other words from one world to another, my first Chinese photo was of this woman dressed in black, a peasant according to her luggage, whereas I thought she was a city girl because of her natural elegance. This image was immediately superimposed in my visual memory on other abandonments, all dignity lost, so often before my eyes in Asia. Perhaps that’s why, like other visitors, I was impressed by the dignity Mao seemed to have restored to the Chinese.” Marc Riboud. ©Marc Riboud / Fonds Marc Riboud au MNAAG / Magnum Photos


CHINA. Shanghai. 1997.

Shanghai, China, 1997. © Martin Parr/Magnum Photos