Home Ambiente Barcelona Economics Network

Barcelona Economics Network

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“Economic and technological solutions to the degradation of the planet’s ecosystem”


Barcelona, Spain. June 8-9, 2022


  • 09:30 hrs Offical opening of the Seminar. Welcome words and official opening of the Excmo. Dr. Jaime Gil Aluja, President of the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences with the speech: “Una nueva propuesta para un nuevo  posicionamiento geoeconómico”.
  • 10:00 hrs First Session:
  • Dr. Mohamed Laichoubi: “Une Geopolitique de Paix pour lutter contre les dégradations des équilibres de la planète et de la biosphère”. Ex Minister of Algeria, Corresponding Academician for Algeria and member of the Barcelona Economics Network.
  • Dr. Yuriy Kondratenko: “Incidence of the Science, Technology and  Decision-Making Processes to the Negative Changes of the Regional and Planet’s Ecosystems”. Professor of the Petro Mohyla Black Sea University from Ucrania and member of the Barcelona Economics Network.
  • 10:30 hrs Second Sesión:
  • Dr. Carles Gasòliba: “La política medioambiental de la Unión Europea: ante la degradación del ecosistema del planeta”. Academician of Number of the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences and chairman of the commission for relations with Europe.
  •  Sr. Mario Aguer: ”Causas y soluciones de la degradación de un ecosistema”. Academician of Number of the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences and member of the government of RACEF.
  • 11:00 hrs Third Session:
  • Dr. Valeriu Ioan Franc : ”Ne «jouons» plus au Dieu!. Member of the Academy of Sciences from Rumania and Corresponding Academician for Romania.
  • Dr. Korkmaz Imanov: “Analytical approach to assessing the level of ecological civilization of the country”. Manager of Economy Department of Sciences Academy from Azerbaijan and Corresponding Academician of RACEF for Azerbaijan.
  • 12:00 hrs Fourth Session:
  • Dr. Abderraouf Mahbouli : « La lutte contre la désertification, défi majeur pour la protection de l’écosystème planétaire ».  President of the Tunisia University and Corresponding Academician for Tunisia.
  • Dr. José Antonio Redondo: “Reflexión desde Galicia sobre el futuro de los recursos pesqueros”. Member of the government of RACEF and Academician of Number of RACEF.
  • Dra. Ana Mª Gil Lafuente: “Estrategias para compras sostenibles desde la lógica difusa y la teoría de los grupos de interés”. Member of the government of RACEF and Academician of Number of RACEF and chairman of the department: Observatorio de investigation of RACEF.


  • 09:55 hrs Start the second sessions of the Opening Meeting of Barcelona.
  • 10:00 hrs Fith Session:
  • Dr. Alessandro Bianchi: Some reflections on the environmental question”. Exminister of Italy and Corresponding Academician for Italy.
  • Dr. Jaime Lamo de Espinosa: “El agua, un recurso escaso, en el ecosistema del planeta y la seguridad alimentaria global”. Exminister of Spain and Academician of Number of RACEF.
  • 10:30 hrs Sixth Session:
  • Dr. Gusakov: “Environmental challenges: the global agenda and Belarus’ vision”. President of the Sciences Academy from Belarus and member of the Barcelona Economics Network.
  • Dr. Domenico Marino “New ideas for a new ecological economics”. Professor of Reggio Calabria University (Italy) and member of the Barcelona Economics Network.
  • 11:30 hrs. Seventh Session:
  • Dr. Dobrica Milovanovic: “Technology and the Environment”. Dean of the Kragujevac University from Serbia and member of the Barcelona Economics Network.
  • Dr. Carlo Morabito: ” Save the planet with AI support at the SDGs of UNESCO”. Professor of Reggio Calabria University (Italy) and member of the Barcelona Economics Network.
  • 12:00hrs Eight Session:
  • Dr. Corneliu Gutu: “The degrading of our planet’s ecosystem as a challenge to the global economy and competitiveness”. Exminister of Moldavia and Member of the Barcelona Economics Network.
  • Dr. Janusz Kacprzyk: “Degradation of the ecosystem and the Sustainable Development Goals: Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) – assisted decision making be useful?” Member of the Sciences Academy from Poland, Corresponding Academician for Poland and member of the Barcelona Economics Network.
  • 12:30 hrs. Conclusions and closing of the meeting by Excmo. Dr. Jaime Gil Aluja, President of the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences.  “La generación de recursos es importante, su buena gestión imprescindible”.